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PHOTO: A Year Without War
Show Your Support for the Global Ceasefire and Extension of the Olympic Truce
At UNA-USA, advocating for peace is one of our main goals. Our advocacy teams work to ensure that our elected officials and the public value the need for a more peaceful world.
Educating our members on peace and security guarantees that we don't have more lost generations of children whose livelihoods are affected by war.
Support our call for an Olympic Truce extension for the 12 months of 2021 and enforcing the UN Secretary-General’s Global Ceasefire (approved and endorsed by the Security Council)
Read our Message to You
You can show your support in two ways
1. Contact Your Representatives in Congress
If you want to send a letter, make sure you take a look at our sample letter.
2. Add Your Name to the Letter
Adding your name will show us we can count on you!
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