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Let's Become a Tri-County of Peace

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   In association with "International Cities of Peace".  

What is a City of Peace?

"A City of Peace, as officially defined by International Cities of Peace, is a community that endeavors to make progress against violence and foster a culture of peace. A Culture of Peace is determined by the citizens of each community."



International Cities of Peace is an association of citizens, governments, and organizations who have by proclamation, resolution, or by citizen advocacy established their communities as official Cities of Peace. Every community has a legacy of peace, whether it is by a historical event or by local peace heroes or groups who have contributed to their citizen’s safety, prosperity, and quality of life.

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Recorded panel Discussion

Becoming A City Of Peace

How to establish a city of peace

Is your community already a City of Peace?


Check the Cities Listing or use the search tool for your city, town, village, neighborhood, or other municipality. Even if your larger City is a city of peace, you can work in a smaller community and reap the benefits of building the peace. To begin the process, download our “Letter of Intent” and the  “Becoming a City of Peace” presentation. Then send an email with a little about yourself and your community.

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It’s happening all over the world! Shown above is CHILPANCINGO, GUERRERO, MEXICO, the delegation of which traveled to the United Nations to sign the Proclamation to self-establish one of the many International Cities of Peace in Mexico. 

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Contact Us


© Copyright 2020 by United Nations Association, Santa Barbara.

Tel: 805-680-9445


UNA Santa Barbara & Tri-Counties Chapter

7456 Evergreen Dr

Santa Barbara CA 94117


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