About us
President's Welcome

It's an honor to serve as your President of our wonderful Santa Barbara United Nations Association. I've long admired and respected the work of the United Nations in the world. From humanitarian and refugee aid, to working for peace and multilateral partnership, to dealing with the crises of our times, the United Nations has persevered and helped the world.
I've served as a delegate to UN Women and the Generation Equity Forums in Paris and Mexico City. I've also conducted forums on human trafficking, and produced events for UN International Day of the Women. I am most proud of our Santa Barbara UNA Peace Prize, awarded to people in our community waging the cause of peace in the world, developing infrastructure for emerging nations, or pursuing the cause of Human Rights.
I encourage you to join us, and be part of bringing the work of the United Nations to our community, and connecting our community with the world.
Sharon Byrne
Board Members

Gail Gillies
Membership Chairperson

Barbara Muller
Vice President
Judith Muller
Spiritual Advisor
Advocacy Chairperson


Crystal Martinez
GenUN / Young Professionals Chairperson

Nancy Martin
Education Chairperson

Community Relations and Outreach